How To Bring A Pasture Back From Death By Overgrazing In 8 Simple Steps.

Cover crops coming up from bare ground

Step 0 – Stop grazing the land and let it rest while you do the following steps. You can keep your Agricultural exemption (1-d-1 appraisal) while you do this. Just call your county exemption agent and let them know what your up to. They will grant you a 1 year or more rest period. If […]

What You Need To Know On Soil Amendment For Ultimate Success

Ryan and Chris tending the soil around a fruit tree. Texas Permaculture

Few elements are as critical to gardening success as soil amendments. “Don’t forget your fertilizer” is a great start, however, we can do more for our gardens than simply adding fertilizer. Let’s consider the elements that can help feed and develop your soil! Consider these qualities of a good amendment program for ultimate long term […]

Holistic Soil Health – Going Beyond NPK With Biochemical Sequencing

Permaculture Food & Medicine Garden - 1 year old

Saving money by understanding how to move beyond the NPK Paradigm Nitrogen – Phosphorous – Potassium (NPK)  These are the names we are most familiar with when buying a fertilizer. The below method is how we save money and grow more nutrient dense crops that are less affected by insect and disease and have a […]

The Incredible Power Of EM1 In Soil Building

Chris applies EM1 to a 1 year old food forest in Bastrop, Texas

The harmonious interplay of beneficial microorganisms in healthy soil ecosystems facilitates the immune system of healthy plants. A balanced diversity of soil microorganisms mitigates the risk of soil-borne pathogenic diseases. Many soil microorganisms form synergistic relationships with each other and with plants, collectively breaking down organic matter into nutrient dense humus, activating biochemical hormones that […]

How Toxic Is Round Up?

Have you ever had something in your home so toxic you actually could not dispose of it safely? Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were to come in direct contact with or even ingest something like that? Recently a client shared how they needed old barrels of Roundup removed from their property. […]

Is Bokashi The Best Composting System?

Composting is an essential first step in providing perpetual fertility to your soil. All food scraps can be turned into plant food, which can be turned into more food for the family. Composting your food waste creates a circular system of growth, moving away from overly extractive relationships which have led to the generalized degradation […]

How Do We Start A New Regenerative Land Design?

We are going to share some of our design systems that empower us to find the right solutions to challenging problems in unique contexts. We work with a myriad of different types of clients, goals and properties that contain multitudes of diverse ecosystems. From high caliche hill country Juniper and Oak forests in the west, […]

Why Is Azomite One Of The Best Soil Amendments?

Minerals, water, living soil, plants, animals, atmosphere, community, stewardship, and structures:  These are the topics we the staff of Symbiosis will have the honor of sharing with the reader in user-friendly ways through the articles we write. We specialize in designing and installing hyper-local, resilient, and nutrient-dense food gardens and permaculture orchards with nontoxic means. […]

Fertilizers and Minerals, The Crux Of Our Food Security?

“Fertilizer is too expensive, so we couldn’t buy it this year”:  “We have 70 acres in Central, Texas, and over the past 3 years fertilizer costs have gone way up. It was $3000, then $4500, then they wanted $9000 this year. At this point it isn’t worth fertilizing or irrigating.” -Anonymous farmer-   I have heard […]

Is Keyline Geometry and Keyline Plowing A Powerful Land Regeneration Tool?

Keyline Geometry and Keyline Plowing Geometry and water harvesting? How are these related? I’ve been working in the field of land regeneration for the past decade and to be honest Keyline geometry was quite confusing for me to understand before I acquired a keyline plow and began using it in the Central Texas Hill country. […]