The Incredible Power Of EM1 In Soil Building

The harmonious interplay of beneficial microorganisms in healthy soil ecosystems facilitates the
immune system of healthy plants. A balanced diversity of soil microorganisms mitigates the risk
of soil-borne pathogenic diseases. Many soil microorganisms form synergistic relationships with
each other and with plants, collectively breaking down organic matter into nutrient dense
humus, activating biochemical hormones that facilitate healthy biological functioning in plants,
and enabling minerals and nutrients to be bioavailable to plants.

In the 1980’s Dr. Teruo Higa utilized a natural fermentation process devoid of chemical
manipulation or genetic synthesis to generate a diverse mixture of over 80 species of naturally
occurring microorganisms, such as strains of lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, and phototrophic
bacteria that encourage the homeostasis of healthy microorganisms in microbial ecosystems.
This mixture of microorganisms is categorized as Effective Microbes and has been adopted in
over 100 countries for environmentally sensitive waste treatment, eutrophication control, water
purification, animal health, soil health and even gut health for humans.

Effective microbes can help build a symbiotic web of life within the soil, for example: yeasts that
produce enzymes that promote cellular division can utilize the amino acids, nucleic acids, and
sugars secreted by phototrophic bacteria which produce growth factors for the lactic acid
bacteria that stabilize nematode populations, breaks down lignified organic materials and feeds
mycorrhizal fungi.

When Effective Microbes are applied to soil, water, gut microbiomes, etc. the population levels
of beneficial organisms are regenerated enabling these effective microbes already present in
the soil to have a competitive advantage for access to energy/resources which subsequently
lowers the prevalence of pathogenic bacterial colonies that are being brought into reproductive
balance. Soils dominated by high populations of effective microbes create an exceptional plant
growing environment that has the capacity to become regenerative, which to me means
self-sustaining and self-improving.

Effective microbes can be purchased from and applied 3 tbs per gallon of water,
5 gallons of water per acre every 1-4 weeks.

Chris applies EM1 to a 1 year old food forest in Bastrop, Texas