Structured Water, is it real and powerful or another scam?!

MEA Structured Water Device

Water is water, right? Most people have heard of structured water but is it legit? We’ve done the research to try our best to help you decide for yourself…  The water out of your tap and the water inside of the cells of your body and inside the cells of a plant are similar in […]

The Incredible Power Of EM1 In Soil Building

Chris applies EM1 to a 1 year old food forest in Bastrop, Texas

The harmonious interplay of beneficial microorganisms in healthy soil ecosystems facilitates the immune system of healthy plants. A balanced diversity of soil microorganisms mitigates the risk of soil-borne pathogenic diseases. Many soil microorganisms form synergistic relationships with each other and with plants, collectively breaking down organic matter into nutrient dense humus, activating biochemical hormones that […]

Learning Regenerative Land Design Principals That Really Work

This month we at Symbiosis Regenerative Systems care to share some of our design systems that empower us to find the right solutions. We work with a myriad of different types of client goals and properties that contain multitudes of diverse ecosystems. From high caliche hill country Juniper and Oak forests in the west, to […]

VIDEO: Food Forest Tour

In this video on the Symbiosis YouTube channel, Mike Wolfert takes us on a brief food forest tour of a Central Texas homestead. This food forest includes 5 berms and swales on contour with tons of fruit trees, pollinator plants, herbs, medicinals, and more. Some of the plants included in this post oak savannah food […]

Eco Friendly Landscaping in Austin: The Importance of Water and Soil Conservation

Permaculture is all about implementing universal principles with locally-tailored solutions. Here in central Texas, especially the Austin area, we inhabit a unique climate that is prone to extremes- drought, heat, sun, storms, and floods. Mother nature’s mood swings can wreak havoc on topsoil and make our precious water supplies more scarce, so planning for these […]

Creating a Dream Permaculture Homestead in Central Texas

The American Dream is evolving, and many people are starting to think less about a nice house in the suburbs and more about permaculture homesteads, natural building,  tiny homes, rotational grazing, and off-grid dwellings out in nature. But as those who have given sustainable living a try know, having a beautiful vision of a self […]

3 Erosion Control Techniques to Drought & Flood Proof Your Land

After hosting a permablitz on our land (a volunteer workday focusing on permaculture projects) the weekend of January 14th 2017, over 200 trees, shrubs, asparagus and alliums were planted and watered in by a nice steady rain over the weekend and early week that culminated in a nice long thunderstorm Wednesday morning. As the soils became […]

Black Magic: The Secrets of Amazonian Fertility

Bones. Charcoal. Ash. Blood. Feces. Food waste. Pottery shards. Before I began my journey into permaculture and regenerative ecology, if you asked me why someone would gather and bury these things together, I would have guessed at some kind of disgusting voodoo magic ritual. But for those initiated into the alchemy of composting and soil […]

Being Self Reliant: Preparing for a Low Energy Future

In Permaculture, the main goal of the movement is to prepare for a global low energy future. The focus is on our present communities (locally and globally) for long term survival and thrival.  In order to achieve the goal, homesteads are the first priority. “Homestead” implies self sustaining livelihoods; growing own food, capture and using […]