How To Bring A Pasture Back From Death By Overgrazing In 8 Simple Steps.
Step 0 – Stop grazing the land and let it rest while you do the following steps. You can keep your Agricultural exemption (1-d-1 appraisal) while you do this. Just call your county exemption agent and let them know what your up to. They will grant you a 1 year or more rest period. If […]
Is Keyline Geometry and Keyline Plowing A Powerful Land Regeneration Tool?
Keyline Geometry and Keyline Plowing Geometry and water harvesting? How are these related? I’ve been working in the field of land regeneration for the past decade and to be honest Keyline geometry was quite confusing for me to understand before I acquired a keyline plow and began using it in the Central Texas Hill country. […]